K9 Patriotic
K9 Patriotic - Back

K9 Patriotic

K9 Patriotic

This template is a sample—your final design will be customized with your photos, logo, text, and other elements. Start with this template, and we’ll create a unique card just for you!

Experience the loyalty of K9 service with our K9 Patriotic Template, our new Custom K9 Trading Card.

This custom K9 template is a tribute to the patriotic service and strategies that define the world of K9 units. It’s perfect for those who appreciate the patriotic aspects of K9 service, from their unwavering loyalty and advanced training to bravery and dedication.

The K9 Patriotic Template is not just a customizable K9 trading card - it’s a celebration of the key players in K9 units and their ability to uphold the patriotic aspects of their service.

Each K9 trading card is meticulously designed, reflecting the high standards and courage that these brave dogs contribute to their communities.

Order your K9 Patriotic Trading Cards today!

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Provide Your Information

Our customer support service will be reaching out to you to collect the information to customize your deck!

Based on the template selected, please, prepare the next information:

  • K9 Photo(s)
  • K9 Name
  • K9 Handler
  • K9 Date of Birth
  • K9 Breed
  • K9 Origin (Country)
  • K9 Bio
  • Police Department Name 
  • Police Department Address
  • Police Department Logo/Badge 
  • Police Department Phone Number

Type: Poker-sized custom cards

Dimension: 63mm x 88mm, 2.48" x 3.46"

Material: S30 (FSC - certified) professional standard card stock with blue core (smooth finish)

Printing: Full color print

Corners: Rounded Corners

Finish: Regular Card Finish

Packaging options (per deck):

  • Shrink-wrapped (default)
  • Plain white tuck box
  • Custom tuck box

Box Printed: Outside

No minimun order required

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